Good Done
Good Done

Good Done

Jessica Esch
November 2023

From the Jessica Esch: Fill in the Blanks exhibition 

Original Statement:
Look at it this way. A writer has spent years turning out something that deserves more than a hasty appraisal, but that's all he gets. Ironically, it's just as hard to write a bad novel as it is to write a good one, just as backbreaking, just as formidable a series of crises. -Harper Lee

Harper Lee, Counterpoint, Compiled and Edited by Roy Newquist, Rand McNally & Company, 1964 (p.411)

Olivetti Lettera 25 typewriter
Harper Lee To Kill A Mockingbird cover
Cover illustration by Sarah Jane Coleman
5 1/8" x 6 3/4"

Pricing available upon request.

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